

I have such fond memories of eating Shakshuka with my late grandfather during my summers in Palestine. He used request that the shakshuka was made extra spicy.

I found it pretty silly of him to make such a request, especially because it didn’t take long before his face would turn bright red from the heat and his eyes would water uncontrollably. But he’d keep eating until the entire pan was clean. 

Whether it’s for one…or a group of family and friends Shakshuka is sure to impress! 


Serves 4

3 ripe tomatoes
1 red bell pepper or 4-5 small sweet red peppers
1/2 large onion or 1 small onion
2-3 cloves garlic
1/2 teaspoon cumin
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4-1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper *NOTE: As a substitute to Cayenne you may also use Pilpelchuma spice or Harissa Spice. Both add an extra kick and great flavor. I have been able to find Pilpelchuma at Trader Joes in the past. 
2-3 tablespoons olive oil
1 small bunch fresh cilantro

Other Supplies:
Large Frying Pan with Lid

Step 1: Chop up tomatoes, bell pepper, and onion into small pieces.

Step 2: Heat olive oil in large pan. Add onion and garlic. You may choose to leave leave the garlic whole (be sure to give it a nice smash though, so it lets more flavor out) or minced. It’s up to you.

Step 3: When onions are golden, add red bell peppers. Sprinkle with salt, cumin, and cayenne (or substitute that you have chosen). Continue to stir on Medium-High heat for about a minute.

Step 4: Add tomatoes and stir all ingredients. Give it a taste and add additional salt and spice if necessary. Then decrease to Medium-Low heat and cover.

Step 5: Allow to cook until all tomatoes are tender and cooked down. This should take about 10-12 minutes. It will look like you’ve got a chunky tomato sauce or salsa.

Step 6: Crack eggs directly into the pan. And again, cover with lid. Keep an eye on the Shakshuka. Once the eggs have turned white you’ll know that they are ready.

Step 7: Remove from heat. Sprinkle freshly chopped cilantro. Sprinkle a pinch of additional cumin and serve from pan. Enjoy with pita bread or bread of choice.


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